The Dirt: The Wooly

The Wooly

There has been some whispering going on about this new underground spot, The Wooly, located in the Financial District, in basement of the Woolworth Building.  Obscure much…hmmm.  Although things seem to be slowly popping up around the Financial District – but The Wooly might just be place to put the FiDi on the scenester map.

The Wooly, taking a page Beatrice Inn handbook, embodies the trying-not-to-try-so-hard,  secret, underground living-room vibe.   Currently only open for private events, I have a strange feeling it will be open to the general – yet no so general, because it will be uber-exclusive – public soon enough.

Guest of a Guest was first on the scene and has coverage and pics [here.]

By the looks of things, it appears that Beatrice and Jane refugees have been seeking fulfillment at the exclusive charity events The Wooly has been hosting.

GofaG sheds light as to how The Woo came about (and YES, I am already abbreviating it):

“At the end of August, Eric Adolfsen (with the help of his friends) transformed the overflow space in the back of his dad’s restaurant into a private club, the Wooly. With details like vintage Belgian wallpaper, wall lamps rescued from the Plaza Hotel (before the renovation), rugs donated by Vanderhurd Studio, lampshades painted by Claude Morais of Ruffian and a stage for performances, the club will generally host private parties, salons and concerts for an art, fashion and music crowd.”

Hmph… interesting.

How long do you think it is until this place becomes the new  “it spot”? And will the FiDi become the new home to socialites and celebrities?  It is quite off the beaten nightlife path…may be a nice change of pace.

The Wooly
11 Barclay at Broadway [Financial District]

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