Oh What a Night: Straight up Revelry- Day & Night Brunch Party

Oh. My. God. If you have not checked out the Day & Night brunch party at Revel – you MUST go.

I got an invite from my friend Brittany for the most EPIC BRUNCH.  I had no idea how EPIC this brunch would be until about 5PM when I glanced around the room and realized that this party – which trust me is a FULL OUT FIESTA –  is the most ridiculous, major, insane, debacle I have ever seen – and keep in mind this whole jam takes place between the hours of 3-6PM. I would take this party over any night out in Meatpacking for sure.

This past Saturday marked a special crossover event between the Koch Brothers (of the Merkato 55 and Day and Night Southampton fame) and Matt Levine; as the Eldridge was hosting Day & Night, and Day & Night was hosting the Eldridge.  While I didn’t make it to Part Deux of the festivities, I sure enjoyed Part 1.

What started as a somewhat mellow scene at 2PM turned in to a full out rager by 5PM.   DJ’s Mia Moretti and Josh Madden KILLED IT.  Josh Madden might be my new favorite DJ.   The food was delish. Get the burger – it might be the best you’ll ever have.  Whether you order the champagne or the rose – be prepared for a 3ft tall bottle to show up at your table.   Overall an amazing vibe – there is no way you cannot have fun at this party – EVERYONE is having fun.  *Oh and ladies… the guys that work there are effing hot…like really hot*

See below for pics.  You can peep this bootleg video I shot off my bberry [HERE]

Gallery via Guest of a Guest - Click to see full Gallery
Click the image above to see the full Gallery via Guest of a Guest

Revel: a place where you only dance on chairs and tables, and drink out of 3 ft tall wine bottles
10 Little West 12th St between 9th and Washington [MePa]
Every Saturday 12PM-6PM
Reservations Mandatory

Bring your Benjies or a Baller.  Shit’s not cheap  – – but you can’t put a price on the insanity that will ensue.

2 Responses to “Oh What a Night: Straight up Revelry- Day & Night Brunch Party”
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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Josh Madden and The Downtown Diaries, The Downtown Diaries. The Downtown Diaries said: What's goin down: Straight up Revelry: Day & Night Brunch Party: Oh. My. God. If you have not.. http://bit.ly/8Wefld […]

  2. […] First things first, this place isn’t cheap but it’s the talk of the town in NY and everybody that goes seems to have a blast.   Here’s the breakdown, every Saturday from 12  – 6pm, Revel, which is located in the meat packing district opens up it’s doors to some of the coolest & livest clientele (and richest) in the city.  And the patrons eat, drink, and dance up a storm until they’re kicked out @ 6pm so that Revel can prepare for dinner.  Trust me, the picture I posted above really doesn’t do the event any justice so to get a better feel for the event click HERE. […]

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