The Hangover: The Darker Side of Green

Sorry for the lack of posting these days.  My life has been cray cray – a lot of big things in the works.  The perk to being a blogger is I get to attend a lot of cool shit.  The downfall is I have no time to post which ultimately defeats the purpose.   I have a full time job now.  Yes, really.   And between working all day and partying all night, I am finding it difficult to lock in some solid writing time besides lunch AKA right now, at 2:30 PM.   Make sure to follow me on TWITTER because I always ‘live blog’ from events, clubs, and the streets.

So back to life as I know it…

Tuesday night I went to this party – The Darker Side of Green at the Skylight Studios in Chelsea.    I have been so inundated with party invites, press releases, and other shit, I can barely keep track of my plans every night.   I didn’t even remember what the event was for – all I knew was Paul Sevigny and the Misshapes were DJing, and a ton of promoters were affiliated with the event.  When I got there I was so thrown off to find out that (A) it was a Lexus event and (B) Sarah Silverman had something to do with it. I missed the “debate” and the abundance of celebrities *ugh WTF I missed the Gyllenhaals* in attendance but I did get to see the randomness which ensued after they all left.

Pretty much this party consisted of really hot fashion types and a bunch of ummm…not really hot fashion types.  You could definitely tell who was there because some nightclub promoter invited them and who was not.  The scene at the party was basically a bunch of scenesters sipping on their Patron cocktails, getting their picture taken, and wondering why it was so bright in there standing off to the side.   In the middle of the ‘dance floor’ random people were dancing like fools, grinding on each other, standing on a platform like it was Spring Break Cancun.  Overall the party was really weird and confusing; while the debate and earlier part of the evening definitely had clear messaging- the after party did not.   Word of the wise to brands, if you are going to hold a corporate event, don’t have nightclub promoters involved. Unless you are a liquor brand, or perhaps a fashion label, it just throws everything off.

And PS: I know the Misshapes (Note: Leigh Lezark only made a 5 minute appearance before leaving) are famous DJs and all… but really!? I could have did a better job with an iPod and the Mad Decent App. Please tell me why one song came to a complete stop, there was a 30 second pause of nothingness, and then a new song began.  Was the CD player changing discs? I don’t get it.   The fact of the matter is if you are already at the “top,” then chances are you’ve played at many, many venues with shit sound systems and you know how to handle the situation of music cutting in and out. Get it together.  For real.

Anyways – a picture is worth a thousand words so here are 23 courtesy of Nicole Wasilewicz.  Check out the party in all it’s glory.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by The Downtown Diaries. The Downtown Diaries said: Peep: The Rewind: The Darker Side of Green – Sorry for the lack of posting these days.  My life has been cray cray … […]

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