Downtown Dossier: Is It Really Just Sex?

So last weekend I had the chance to cruise around DUMBO and spend some one-on-one time with the multi-talented artist Alexander Esguerra.  Alex has spent the last six months working on his debut art show, It’s Just Sex, an examination of sex and the expressions of passion and adoration that exist in that one singular moment.  By bringing together 12 couples who have opted to have sex on a blank canvas covered in paint, we get to see what sex looks like when you strip away the labels of race, orientation, and back-story, and view sex in it’s rawest form – as art.

It’s Just Sex premiers for one-night-only at 76 Wooster St on Soho this Saturday.  For all you voyeuristic and curious people out there,  I urge you to check out the BLOG, where Alex’s been documenting his whole journey (not during sex, but before and after – get your mind out of the gutter.)  After this weekend’s exhibit, a documentary will be released revealing candid interviews with the participants and behind the scene’s footage from production.

I was intrigued by this whole situation (how can you not be,) and had a lot of questions for the copulation curator.  Alex filled me in on the nitty-gritty details behind It’s Just Sex… and I blushed and giggled like a little school girl.   Here’s the story.

The Inspiration:

The morning after a crazy night  – and we’ve all *okay maybe not all* had those moments – Alex thought to himself, “Damn, what happened?”  That got him thinking,  what does happen?  Why is it that sometimes a sexual encounter can leave a room in shambles and other times the bed doesn’t even look unmade?   There are all different kinds of sex, positions, and body movements that happen when two people are in a moment and Alex decided to capture that passion with paint and a blank canvas.

The Process:

Alex called upon friends looking for volunteers – and of course tested the waters himself.  Once word spread, his inbox became flooded with eager volunteers looking to have a little fun in the name of art.  An interview process was instated and the couples had to answer a few generic questions via email to determine if they were a good candidate.  Alex wanted to get a well-rounded, diverse group of subjects in order to examine the differences, if any, in the resulted art.   Once the couples were ‘approved’, they would schedule an appointment for their session.   Upon arrival at  Just Sex headquarters, Alex and his team  would interview the pair and talk about sex and what it means to them.  Some participants shared more emotional stories than others, but it was apparent how cultural roles and one’s environment can really affect a person’s sexuality.

The Scene:

The couple arrives, spends some time talking with the IJS team, and heads in to the bedroom.  Unlike most bedrooms one would have sex in – this is covered in plastic (Dexter style) with nothing but some wine, music, and paint; and a canvas taped to the floor.   The couple gets down to business while Alex and crew leave the apartment.  When the couple is done,  Alex and his crew come back to experience the revelation of their body-made masterpiece – along side the couple – all to be caught on film.   The couple then heads in to the shower, as the IJS team preps for the next appointment – as many as three couples have done ‘it’ in one day.  Yeah… imagine what his doorman thinks.

The Revelation:

It’s Just Sex proves that sex is very much an art form and each person is an artist in their own right when it comes making love.  But in the end, it never really is just sex. Is it?  Even the blank canvas serves as a metaphor – think about it.

The Exhibit:

It’s Just Sex will debut THIS SATURDAY for ONE NIGHT ONLY.  7PM at an old Andy Warhol space – 76 Wooster between Spring and Broome.  There will be complementary cocktails provided by 42 Below and AMP Energy drink as well as Ihawan Sushi and Gnosis Chocolate. DJ MSB will be playing slow jams all night and Electric Slim will be performing his debut single ‘Love Grenade.’ Hopefully, all of you will  go get it on after the show – but for those who aren’t so lucky,  I will be hosting an after-party at Goldbar.  You’re all invited.

Art Show Website:

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