DIARY: Katherine Kelly from SoHo Grand

So a while back I was mad heated because MTV stole my thunder with their now defunct? show Downtown Girls.  I had been in touch with NBC about developing a pilot series based around my life and my blog- and long story short it ran on MTV without yours truly in it.  Luckily MTV got it all wrong and nothing ever manifested of the show.  I would have DIED if those bitches became the next Lauren Conrad or Whitney Port. The reason why the show failed is most likely because (A) these girls didn’t even live downtown (B) they are nobodies and (C) are just straight corny and not cool at all.  I barely made it through an episode.

So with that said… I decided to interview a few REAL DOWNTOWN GIRLS.  Ya know, girls who actually run shit below 14th.  First up is my friend Kat aka Katherine aka Katkels.  At only 22, Kat has already worked at top downtown hotspots such as Le Royale, and the Soho and Tribecca Grand Hotels.  I met Kat at the Red Bull Space a while back and then we ran in to each other again at the Black Keys/ Microsoft Kin party this summer.  We immediately hit it off and have been partners in crime ever since.   In the past few months, I’ve realized Kat pretty much knows everyone who’s anyone in the NY social scene and can just cruise on by any doorman, velvet rope, or even discreet entrances.  While she may be totally “in the scene,” she is the least pretentious person I know and is all about having a damn good time.  Rock & roll bitches, as she would say. Kat’s also a pretty rad stylist and is determined to make me look less guido (I cant help it!) and more hipster.

Anyway- meet Kat.

via Nicky Digital

Name: Katherine Kelly (KatKels)
Age: Forever young
From: New England
Current location: SoHo
When I grew up I wanted to be a: Xena Warrior Princess and/or Martha Stewart
But now I’m: Private Reservationist and Assistant to the Director of Food and Beverage at the Soho and Tribeca Grand Hotels
Last night I: Last night I was out of commission… however Saturday I went to Brooklyn to ‘ice’ you (me) then some Jelly party, an art installation thing on some rooftop, back to the motherland (Manhattan.) and to Le Bain for a quite night with Mike Nouveau et al. (EDITORS NOTE: This interview dates back to late July, although this typically describes an average Saturday)
I’m listening to: The Morning Benders
I’m watching: Say Anything
I’m reading: Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann
I’m eating: Honey Bunches of Oates with almond milk and Blueberries
I’m drinking: Coffee from Thompson St. Cafe
I’m wearing/shopping at: Nicholas K./ Shopping at J. Crew forever and ever (no, really. I am.)
I’m loving: Your face
Top place(s) to party: Soho and Tribeca Grand Hotels, The Wooly, The Rusty Knot, Cabin, The Jane, The Bowery Hotel, The Standard, Le Bain, Rose Bar, Blind Barber, Kenmare, Jelly Pool Parties, and of course my dirty pleasure Cipriani’s Upstairs, Bagatelle, and West Broadway on Sundays
The next big thing will be: My next hair cut/dye
Best part about living in New York: Living in New York.
Worst part about living in New York: NYU.
I love downtown because: I get nosebleeds anywhere north of Houston, and nosebleeds really aren’t that cute.
One Response to “DIARY: Katherine Kelly from SoHo Grand”
  1. antwan says:

    katherine is my wife.

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