RESTO REPORT: Mike's Apartment Beefs Up

What happens when you decide to throw super swanky loft parties in your apartment and build a marketing campaign around it? Just ask my friend Mike Herman, whose apartment, known as the “it” spot to party during S/S 11 Fashion Week, became nearly impossible to get in to. Cmon – we all remember the trials and tribulations of ‘Mike Apartment.’

Herman set his sights on taking over ACME, located below his infamous humble abode, with some contribution from Paul Sevigny. Herman explained to Grub Street that it never happened because, “The owner was too much of a lying sleazy guy and Paul got lured into a quicker turnaround deal with Nur.” (Most likely the ‘new’ Don Hills)

Now, Herman has decided to launch a new business venture – a roast beef sandwich shop reminiscent of Harrison’s, a famous Boston-area institution.

Herman’s business partner, ex-writer Ray LeMoine spent a small portion of his teenage years working at Harrison’s, and LeMoine is bringing longtime slicer Patrick Sweetra to the New York area.

The two found the perfect locale for their roast beef shop, the front café portion of the Bowery Poetry Club. Don’t worry, the back room will still continue to host music and slam poetry, but now if you get a case of the late night munchies you can buy a roast beef sandwich for $5 till 5am!

Best of luck boys!
[Picture via]

308 Bowery @E 1st [E Vill]

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